Greetings, visitors!
We are Julian
and Kira Henson, comedian siblings
known as the B.S. Team.

We are the authors of excellent Halloween books, a health guide, the most ridiculous butt joke books, and more! So far, we have HALLOWEEN 2018 (a print book with black-and-white images), and Halloween 2018 (the same book, but in ebook format, with the images in color). Plus many other goodies for you to discover! We take great pride in all the many masterpieces we create.
We have many, many years’ experience with using proper hygiene. That’s something we Hensons do in our family. We stay healthy! We are not neurotic when it comes to germs; we’re simply well aware of how to properly deal with them without getting sick. Our techniques really work! That’s why, in 2020, we published Bye Corona: A Typical Guide to Protecting Yourself and Others from the Coronavirus. This is a downloadable ebook guide that will reveal all 284 of our techniques to avoid getting sick. We don’t get sick more often than once a year, and it’s always extremely mild when we do get sick. Now we want to pass our expert advice on to you!
​As you can see, we spend a lot of time making creative works. We hope you enjoy all the sights you can see on our site! We want to make you feel welcome. Please visit as often as you like! We’ll be happy to see you anytime! Sometimes, we’ll add new content for you to enjoy!
We have an Author Spotlight on Lulu.com. Please check it out with the link given near the bottom of this page, or by clicking the linked words you see here! We publish our books on Lulu, and that's where you go to buy them. You can also find some of our work on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and a variety of other sites, though they’re usually more expensive on sites other than Lulu. We can’t control the prices of our products on sites other than Lulu, but since we can set our own prices on Lulu, we recommend you head there, because we’ll give you the best deals we can! We even have a few FREE SAMPLES for you! Our books won't be like any you've read before! That is something we can guarantee you. However, we will warn you that some content in some of our books are not for underage readers. To be safe, you can read the descriptions for our books. We’ll let you know which ones are suitable for any age, and which ones aren’t. HALLOWEEN 2018, for example, contains things for all ages, but also has a "restricted section." That's because we are your tour guides as you read the book, and we'll guide you through the various parts of our haunted house as you laugh at the hilarious jokes we tell you along the way. Afterward, you can fill your friends in on all the shocking humor they missed by not meeting us first! Truly, we're honored to meet you! Please drop by our haunted house for a visit. We'll be happy to take you on the tour anytime!
The Spotlight we have was updated from its original version. You can visit our new and improved Spotlight anytime you choose! Sometime, we will publish calendars again. We did once, but they’re unavailable at the moment, until we update them. We actually took a screenshot of what our Spotlight used to look like, and you can see the picture below! Now you can see how it used to look, and compare it to how it looks now!
Social Media
​Content Strategy
We market our books on Lulu.com, and sometimes include them in our YouTube videos (you've just got to watch them!). We have our own website, too, of course. You know that. You're visiting our website right now! I, Kira, also post some of our stuff on Twitter, along with important news articles and information, funny videos, adorable photos, or anything else I want to share with you. We'll have more ways to communicate with you sometime, and we'll let you know as soon as we do!
We use good judgement when it comes to the books we write, the videos we film, the pictures we take, and the music we create. Yes, that's right! We're not professional musicians, but we do enjoy playing our own unique little melodies. Suspense music, interesting beats, and just plain silliness are some of our specialties! On our YouTube channel, you’ll hear some of our music in several of our videos! You can also hear some of our music and silly audios on SoundCloud!
FREE SAMPLE of HALLOWEEN 2019: The Hy-scary-ous Sequel to the Spook-and-Span Original Joke Book EPUB
We’d love to read a message from you! Simply fill out the form below, and submit it! You may contact us for any reason at all! If you have questions, comments, or just something you want to share with us, we’ll be happy to read what you send! Due to the vast number of submissions we receive, we may not be able to reply to them all directly, but we will read them all, and we’ll try to reply to the ones that stand out the most! Your feedback may help us to improve our site, and if we receive any questions from you, we’ll eventually add a Questions & Answers section for our visitors to read! Thanks for your contribution!