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It all started in 2003. We authors (though we weren’t authors back then) got a very bad case of influenza. To help you understand, we’ll tell you the story as if we were writing a news article about someone else. Later on, we’ll write as though we’re writing about ourselves (which we are).

Julian was five years old, just days away from turning six. Kira was four-and-a-half years old. It was late fall (flu season), and somehow, Julian began to feel sick. His parents could see that he wasn’t feeling well, and he complained of a sore throat and stomachaches. Kira had been in close contact with Julian every day leading up to the day he got sick, so although their parents kept the two of them separate that day, Kira also became ill the following day. Both kids had sore throats, stomachaches, fever, diarrhea, and vomiting—the typical flu symptoms. In the words of their mother, they were “Knocked off their butts for a week.” They spent most of the time sleeping, waking up occasionally to barf. Their parents did their best to keep the kids hydrated, and tried to make them keep some food down, but most of it didn’t stay down at first. The kids got dehydrated for a bit, and were quite groggy and miserable. Julian and Kira slowly got better. The vomiting and diarrhea stopped after a few days, but other symptoms lasted a while longer. They took some medicine to feel better, and finally kept some food and liquids down. Coughing, runny noses, and watery eyes lasted for several days. Both kids were still sick on Julian’s birthday, but were able to enjoy some cake and ice cream by then, although their eyes unmistakably showed their illness. It took two weeks for Julian and Kira to fully recover. It was the worst sickness of their lives. Although their parents were sad to see them so sick, not much was thought of their illness at first. People, especially kids, got sick sometimes, and that was just the way of life. However, less than a year later, new knowledge appeared to change everyone’s perspective.

The kids’ mom began reading news stories online about how several parents had lost their children due to flu the year Julian and Kira got very sick. That caused some alarm. Their mother had never heard of anyone dying from the flu before. She thought that the flu was just a really bad cold, and that people did, irrefutably, recover from it. After all, she had gotten the flu countless times as a child, and she had always recovered. She didn’t know anyone who had died from it. Doctors had never warned her about its severity, especially in young children and elderly people. Knowing for the first time that the flu can be fatal, she was determined to find a way to make sure her children never got it so badly again. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. She succeeded most admirably.

After more research and talking to doctors, the kids’ mom came up with several solutions to minimize illnesses and the spread of germs. For starters, practicing excellent hygiene was essential. She quickly came up with many ways to stop the spread of germs—things that doctors never even mentioned! (Perhaps things that doctors didn’t even think of!) Next, she decided that everyone would get their flu shots every year. Back when Julian and Kira were extremely little, doctors didn’t recommend that kids get vaccinated against the flu, but that changed right around the time they got their terrible case of influenza! How about that? It was too late in 2003 for the Hensons to get their flu shots. The little ones got sick that year, but forever after, the Hensons all got vaccinated against the flu each year. Julian and Kira much preferred to get the shot than the sickness! Needles don’t particularly bother these two. The kids readily learned all the new hygiene techniques, which helped a lot. Within a year, the family was fairly set on their new hygiene routines. For a couple of years afterward, Julian and Kira still got the flu when it came around, even with the vaccination and proper hygiene. But the sickness was much lessened. Probably the only reason they still got the flu was simply because they were young, and didn’t have built-up immune systems yet. They didn’t touch their faces, especially in public, and they always washed their hands before eating. They probably just unknowingly breathed germs in at some point. (At the time, masks were not usually worn in public.) Still, the kids didn’t get sick more than once a year, and when they were sick, it wasn’t nearly as bad as it had been in 2003.

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​Julian and Kira’s parents had a lot of messes to clean up when they had their very bad sickness. Several times a day, vomit had to be scrubbed off the beds and carpets, and blankets and pillows had to be washed. (The little ones were too sick to make it to the bathroom to vomit.) It was a lot of work. Parents everywhere have to deal with it from time to time. Fortunately, Julian and Kira’s parents dealt with it far less frequently than most parents. Proper hygiene truly works like a charm, and keeps everyone healthier! Naturally, the news that people can die from the flu was very disturbing to the parents. They read many news stories of people, especially children, dying from it. Several parents knew that the sickness could be deadly, but they just casually blew off the thought of getting their children vaccinated, or of practicing proper hygiene. Those parents were later devastated by the loss of their children. Illness is no joking matter, as the Henson parents quickly realized. The Hensons decided that they would be no victims of illnesses. The flu of 2003 had been particularly brutal, and the Henson family was so grateful that it hadn’t taken the lives of little Julian and Kira. It was a learning experience. A warning. An opportunity to start doing better.

Over the years, the Henson Hygiene continued to grow. New techniques were being established, and eventually, Julian and Kira began to come up with their own techniques, which they taught their parents! Their grandparents were required to use good hygiene during visits at the Henson Home. Everyone benefited tremendously from their new practices, so much so that some years they didn’t get sick at all! It was truly amazing. The Hensons have been using many hygiene techniques since 2004, and that’s why they have much experience with properly handling germs. They are not overly paranoid, germophobic (if that’s a real word, which it probably isn’t), or neurotic when it comes to germs. They live ordinary lives, knowing that their simple, effective techniques will protect them. All year round, they use their skills to avoid becoming infected with anything bad. When flu season comes around, they get their vaccinations, and if they do end up catching it, it’s always very mild. The Hensons have few worries about illnesses, because they understand that their practices will work wonders.

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Then suddenly, 2020 comes around. The Hensons celebrate New Year, and for just a short time, everything is fine and jolly. Very soon comes the news that a coronavirus outbreak has started in China. The Hensons take notice, and hope that everything turns out well, but ultimately, they don’t think much of it. The illness is in China, and there is nothing the Hensons can do about it. But then the coronavirus starts spreading around, and within time, it finds its way to the United States, where the Hensons live! Not only that, but it quickly finds its way to every country in the world, creating a global pandemic! Yikes! Now the Hensons are more alarmed, but not really for their own sake. They still have their techniques to protect them, but hundreds of thousands of other people are becoming infected, and the death rate is way too high for anyone’s comfort. Most people who become infected survive, but this new strain of coronavirus, known as covid-19, is still killing people faster than the flu. Plus, many people who recover get stuck with side effects, some long-lasting, and some permanent.

The news of this shocked the Hensons a lot. A new deadly virus, quickly spreading everywhere, infecting and killing a bunch of people? What gives?! Why would this virus spread throughout the entire world?! It was certainly obvious that no one besides the Hensons and their relatives were doing all the necessary things to protect themselves and each other. That’s not too surprising. The Hensons came up with their techniques themselves. They didn’t find the techniques in books, online articles, or movies, or hear them from doctors or any health professional. How many techniques to avoid getting sick will health professionals tell you? About five. These alone will never properly protect anyone from becoming ill. Certainly not all, but some medical professionals actually want people to become ill, so that they’ll pay a lot of money for treatments. (Doctors like to cash in.) That’s not fair, is it? If everyone knew all the real ways to stop the spread of germs, hardly anyone would become infected with covid-19! The Hensons know how, and if you want them to, for a small fee, they’ll tell you their secrets! But first, keep reading.

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Very soon across the globe, it was recommended that everyone wear masks in public to help protect themselves and others from getting sick. In some areas, wearing masks was even forced by law. Well done to the law that enforces masks, and well done to everyone who wears them! Masks are absolutely proven to reduce your risk of getting ill, or spreading illness, by approximately 65%, we’ve heard! That’s awesome! Why do masks not give a 100% guarantee of not spreading viruses? Because breathing in germs is only one way of many that you can become ill. For example, if you wear your mask, but rub your eyes, germs will enter your eyes and make you sick. If you wear your mask, but forget to wash your hands before you eat, you’ll get sick. If you wear your mask in public, but touch your face with unwashed hands when you get home, you’ll get sick. But… if you wear your mask, keep your hands off your face, wash up before you eat, and follow all 284 of the Hensons’ simple techniques, your risk of catching covid-19, or any other illness, will be quite small! No one within the Hensons’ family has gotten covid-19, and with their Henson Hygiene, they more than likely won’t get it.

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Masks, masks, masks! Surely you’ve seen countless videos of people being difficult and causing scenes in public, all because they don’t want to wear a mask! Why ever do they not? Masks are cool! They make everyone look like surgeons, or they can come in a variety of colors, shapes, sizes, and designs! Some masks even have a see-through covering for your eyes, to protect your eyes from breathing in germs, too! That was a joke, of course, but seriously, germs can enter your eyes, so if you have a mask that only covers your nose and mouth, it’s a good idea to wear glasses. They can be prescription glasses, sunglasses, goggles, googly-eye glasses, or whatever! Just so long as your entire face is protected, that’s what matters! Yes, your entire face! Your mask must cover your mouth and nose for proper protection. Wearing it only over your mouth does little good.

It may as well be mentioned now that keeping your hands off your face takes more self-discipline and willpower than the average person is endowed with. How do you think most people get sick? That’s right. By touching their faces and licking their hands!!! Many, many people constantly have their hands on their faces without even thinking about it. THAT is one of the biggest reasons why covid-19 got out of hand-on-face. Get it? Good! So, the average person doesn’t have what it takes to keep their hands off their face. That’s why your average person gets three to seven illnesses a year! But you know what? Anyone can choose to rise above the position of “average person,” and gain the title of “Super Person!” The Super Person is the one who only gets sick once a year, if that often, and has the willpower to keep their hands off their face! The Super Person has a ton more health than the average person, and will lead a very eventful, worry-free life! As a huge bonus, the Super Person also has the remarkable ability to make covid-19 disappear a lot faster! Truly! You can rise to this level! The average person will become infected, and keep the virus going, but the Super Person has what it takes to save the world from eternal illness! Keep on reading to find out how you can rise to the level of Super Person!

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​Countless people are in debt due to hospital bills from covid-19. The majority of people can’t easily afford to pay the many-multiple-thousand-dollar bills they’re getting stuck with. Not only that, but many relatives of people who died from it are struggling to pay for funerals, in addition to struggling with their emotions of just having lost a loved one. This coronavirus is NOT a hoax, and nothing good can come from it. Just ask anyone who’s been affected by it in any way. This is a world crisis to take seriously. No more messing around! Doctors and scientists are trying to create a “cure” for this virus, but how much good will that do when many people refuse to get vaccinated? People have legitimate reasons for avoiding certain vaccinations. Some people have specific beliefs against them, some think that vaccinations are poison, some are simply afraid of needles, and some people don’t like being told what to do. Plus, new vaccinations that haven’t been well-tested, such as the one for covid-19, might have negative side effects that people want to avoid. Good for them. Many people get vaccinations, but they’re careful about which ones they get. They only want ones that are generally proven to be safe and effective. Good for them again. Still, there are no real “cures” for any illness. Vaccinations and medical care are not cures; they’re merely treatments. The best method, by far, is prevention. Simply by practicing the proper hygiene the Hensons use, you’ll be able to prevent getting most illnesses, and without having to pay for costly, potentially dangerous new vaccinations or medical care! There are no negative side effects from using proper hygiene, and it’ll save you your health and money! (Possibly even your life!)

Now we’ll write as though we’re writing about ourselves (which we are). So, we authors are in full agreement of masks being mandatory. They help save lives by 65%, for goodness sakes! And no, they don’t reduce oxygen levels, they don’t cause any harm from making people re-breathe their own air, and there are no health conditions that would prevent a person from wearing a mask. If anything, people with underlying health conditions really need to wear a mask, since getting covid-19 would probably be a death sentence to such a person! Don’t give bogus excuses for not wearing a mask. Don’t say, “I have the right to not wear a mask,” “It’s not required by law that I wear a mask,” “I have a breathing problem, so I can’t wear a mask,” “I don’t need to wear a mask, and you can’t make me,” “I’m allergic to masks, so of course I can’t wear one,” “You telling me to wear a mask is harassment,” or “You can’t refuse me service just because I’m not wearing a mask.” We’ve heard it all, and we don’t want to hear it! THERE ARE NO EXCUSES! NOT WEARING A MASK IS NOT WEARING A MASK! And no, business owners and workers refusing service to customers who aren’t wearing masks is NOT discriminatory. They’re trying to protect themselves and their other customers, which is a very good thing! Stop being selfish, and start caring for the health and safety of others. Just wear your mask, and keep quiet about it! The world will thank all the good people who wear their masks—and so will we!

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Okay, that’s out of the way. If you are someone who always wears your mask in public, know that we admire you! We care very much for people all around the world who are suffering from covid-19. Some people get it by deliberately being careless, believing that covid-19 is a hoax. But others get it accidentally, simply because they’re unable to use good hygiene for one reason or another. Still others get it because they don’t know how to use proper hygiene. How many times a year do you get sick? Three times? Seven times? If you learned all about our Henson Hygiene, you’d learn to have significant control over your illnesses, and prevent them from getting to you more than once a year! You could also lessen the severity of your illnesses, and avoid getting covid-19! It’s so simple, yet so effective!

Why do celebrities stay safe from the killing coronavirus most of the time? That is, why do a majority of celebrities not get fatal cases of covid-19? Well, for starters, most of them live in their own private mansions, away from others who are carrying the virus. Next, they wear their masks in public, which serves two purposes: protecting them from germs, and making them unrecognizable, so that they’re not mobbed by germ-carrying fans! (Very smart of them.) Third, many celebrities are probably practicing at least some of the techniques we and our family use! (Also very smart of them.) This makes us happy, and furthermore, we respect the celebrities who wear masks, and are glad about them telling others to do the same! (Oh, yes, a large number of celebrities also have qualities that we don’t respect… but for the moment, let’s try to focus on the positive.) Still, a number of celebrities have become infected, and some have even died, which is no good! It’s no good for anyone to die from this virus! Everyone is important in their own, unique way! Staying well is so easy, which is why we really hope that you will start taking lessons from us, our family, and celebrities that haven’t gotten covid-19 (not the ones that have)! There are plenty of them! Honestly, we and our family go to as few places as possible during this pandemic. For the most part, we stay home, stay home, and stay home a little more until covid-19 dies down. (Many celebrities are doing the same thing, you know. It’s called self-isolation.) Anytime we must go into public for any reason, you’ll never catch us without our facewear (masks)!

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To tell you the truth, we’re bored. 2020 was a stressful, scary, sad, hard, uncertain, unexpected, and boring year, 2021 was no better, 2022 is the same, and who knows what the future will bring… all because of this coronavirus pandemic! What gives?! When will it be safe to go to the movies, attend concerts, send kids back to school, work without fear of having to close our businesses or lose our jobs, host Halloween parties, film movies and shows, and travel… without wearing masks or being paranoid? Everyone’s lives are literally on hold! It sucks, and it doesn’t have to be this way! Tons of concerts were supposed to be performed. The show must go on… unless covid-19 starts. Lots of filming was supposed to take place. Rain or shine, the job must get done… unless covid-19 starts. Many people had plans to travel during summer vacation. Nothing can spoil their fantastic trip… unless covid-19 starts. (Sigh.) The United States ranks #1 on the list of the top most infected countries in the world. No wonder every other country banned American visitors for a while. They just want to protect their own citizens! Good for them. But it doesn’t seem fair, does it? Well, it’s not fair that Americans have allowed the virus to get way out of control. Yes, that’s right. Americans allowed it to. If it’s true that the virus germs only last for minutes, hours, or days at the most, then exactly how has it survived for years?! Because people keep nurturing it, that’s how! It’s time to shut it down, and shut it down now! People have risked and even caused the loss of other people’s lives, which is a terrible thing to do! As you probably know by now, it’s completely preventable! Carelessness doesn’t solve any problem. It only creates problems. We authors believe it’s high time to get rid of this stupid virus! It’s time to show more care for human lives! Let the world recover, and may school, work, filming, movies, concerts, Halloween, and huge events go on again, without unnecessary delay! We can’t let these things be put on hold forever! We don’t want these things to never go on again! Enough is enough already! It’s too late to save many events for the past few years, but by working together, we can ensure that they never get cancelled due to illness again! May the fun times return!!!

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As you’ve read, we and our family have a total of 284 techniques, which we use to avoid getting sick. Since 2004, they’ve stayed strictly within our family. Now, we think it’s time to share them with the world, because goodness knows the world needs them. We’ve been using these techniques for many, many years. We swear they work tremendously. All these years we’ve been living our lives with these methods, and we had no idea that someday they might actually be used to save a lot of people’s lives. As you probably saw, we made a GIF preview of the ebook guide we created. The full guide contains all of our secrets to avoid getting sick, plus a lot of other issues are also addressed. It will tell you how we avoid cross contamination, food poisoning, and a variety of yuckies you don’t want! (You don’t have to tell us that “yuckies” isn’t a real word. We already know. It’s a word that isn’t!) We authors, Julian and Kira Henson, spent over a month working on this guide. It was actually a lot of work to create. We’re well aware of our techniques, but putting them into writing, especially in the great, lengthy, easy-to-understand details that we did, took a lot of thinking and effort. Plus, in between writing, we had animals to care for, chores to do, germs to kill (while we were writing our techniques, we were still following them), family to spend time with, and a bunch of unexpected events. Our guide is now almost as old as covid-19, and waiting to reveal its secrets to you! In addition to all our techniques, we also wrote about things that were going on at the time of our writing. If necessary, from time to time, we’ll write updates on future blogs, so please visit our site often.

In our guide, we don’t only tell you what works; we also explain why they work, so that it makes sense to you. We truly wrote this guide for the sole purpose of helping others. The only reasons we charge a small fee for it are because we need to protect our copyright © and, like everyone else, we need to support our family and charities. Everyone charges a fee for professional services and expert advice, which is what our guide is filled with. And, whenever possible, we make donations to people and places in need! By purchasing our guide, you’ll be making many contributions to the world. You’ll discover many ways to protect yourself and loved ones from getting sick—techniques that genuinely work, which you won’t find or hear about anywhere else. You’ll be helping to stop the spread of covid-19, and enabling us to help people in need! Our years’ worth of practicing these techniques don’t lie. We just need to stay in business so we can keep these techniques going around. We’re all too happy to share our techniques with you and the world now. Just click on the GIF we made, or the “buy” button, and you’ll be transported to where you can turn yourself into a master germfighter like us! That’s WAY better than catching covid-19, and getting stuck with an unbelievably large hospital bill! (Those medical treatments don’t come cheap, but our expert advice does.) Our business is helping others, so we can’t wait to teach you our ways! Every single person who practices these simple techniques will be helping the world immeasurably in preventing the spread of coronavirus… and other illnesses! The more people who follow this advice, the quicker the world will improve socially! Thank you so much for doing your part, dear reader! See you soon!

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Publication Date: 5/25/2020

Language: English

ISBN: 9781716972263

Copyright: All Rights Reserved -

Standard Copyright License


By (author): Julian Henson, Kira Henson




Format: EPUB




Coronavirus Guide, Stop The Coronavirus, Cure The Coronavirus, Protection Against Coronavirus, Safe From Coronavirus, Covid-19 Protection, Preventing The Coronavirus, Covid-19 Prevention, Stop Covid-19, Covid-19 Survival, Coronavirus Survival, Protection Against Illnesses, Preventing Germ Spread, Stop Getting Sick, Prevent Getting Sick, Stop Spreading Germs, Coronavirus Survival Guide, Covid-19 Survival Guide, Germ Prevention Methods

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© 2020 (covid-19 year) by Julian and Kira Henson. Proudly made with

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