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Details For The First 3 Books


Publication Date: July 4, 2021

Language: English

Book 1 ISBN: 9781678069476

Book 2 ISBN: 9781678057473

Book 3 ISBN: 9781678057459

Category: Humor

Copyright: All Rights Reserved -

Standard Copyright License

Contributors: By (author): Julian Henson, Kira Henson




Pages: 56

Binding: Paperback

Interior Color: Black & White

Dimensions: Pocket Book (4.25 x 6.875 in / 108 x 175 mm)

(8.5 x 11 in / 216 x 279 mm) 




Butt Jokes, Funny, Mature Content, Adult Humor

Welcome to the funniest place in the world for butts! This is the big joke series that features everyone’s favorite part of the body! If you’re looking for the perfect gift for your boyfriend, husband, father, brother, grandpa, uncle, or—hey, wait a minute! Who says this series is just for guys? It’s not! Let’s try again. If you’re looking for the perfect gift for your girlfriend, wife, mother, sister, grandma, aunt, or—hey, wait a minute! We just realized something. This series is perfect for anyone who has a butt! Any adult who has a butt, we mean, for these books do contain mature content! So, if you know anyone who has a butt (or if you have a butt yourself), this series will make you laugh your butt off! It’s true that

some people may be quite surprised to receive these books as gifts, but anyone with a sense of humor will soon learn to appreciate it! We can prove it, too! The very first book in the series is available as a FREE PDF EBOOK DOWNLOAD! So go ahead and collect it to see for yourself how wonderful it is! It’s literally just a click away! Simply click where that arrow above is pointing, and the download is yours! Well, you may have to fill out an annoying form to get it, but since you won’t be paying a single penny, it doesn’t get any more fair than this!

The first three books were all published on the same day! Isn’t that interesting? But they weren’t just published on any day. They were published on an American holiday! Can you guess which one? It should be pretty obvious, but we’ll tell you, anyway… they were published on Independence Day! The Fourth of July! That’s right. While our neighbors were celebrating with excessively loud (yet beautiful) fireworks, we were publishing the first three books of THE BIG BUTT JOKE SERIES! That is how we celebrated, and then we ate some barbecued hotdogs and hamburgers, with potato salad, beans, and chips… and lemon pie for dessert! We have to admit, it was quite a day, and you can join in the celebration by reading these joke books! You’ll discover the answers to jokes such as: What do butts like about clocks? Where do butts like to hide? What do butts do after they get married? Why did the butt fart into a balloon, and then trap it inside for several days? Why did the butt call 911? What day do butts find a bit embarrassing? What does a butt build to perform certain tasks in unusual ways? What do you call a baby butt that’s dressed up as a bunny? How do butts know when someone is in danger? What do butts think of their own poo? Plus hundreds of other hilarious jokes! Like we said, the first book is available as a FREE DOWNLOAD, but we warn you: it’ll make you want to buy all of the books in print form! Admittedly, these books would be awesome to add to your collection! They’re small, entertaining, funny, surprising, and also beautiful! Just a small amount of pocket money will gain you access to these small pocket books! It’s an investment you’ll want to make, because no two jokes are the same! Each book contains a unique set of jokes, and the covers give you a hint of what you can expect inside! Not to mention, there’s also a special surprise at the end of each book! After we sell a certain number of these first three books, we’ll publish more for you to enjoy, so be sure to share these with your family and friends! So, what are you waiting for? Don’t be afraid to dive butt-first into this series! You’ll be glad you did!     

© 2020 (covid-19 year) by Julian and Kira Henson. Proudly made with

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